All videos without dates were posted at the time of this original post which was 2*10*21. Newest entries are at the top of each category and dated.
5/11/21 How spike protein work
5/10/21 911 What’s your emergency? interviews from dispatchers about Covid reactions. 20 calls a day.
5/5/2021 VAERS – “Not Serious” designation accounting for 67% of all Events even some deaths
4/29/2021 It’s not a vaccine, it’s a lethal injection.
2*21*21 I beg you-please watch this to the end.
2*21*21 Messege to Ghanaians- Rockefeller foundation & Covid
2*21*21 Vaccine is 100% voluntary, even for military.
2*19*21 Nurse took vaccine now having constant tremors- needs help, offers warning
2*17*21 WHO tries to bribe Madagascar 20 million dollars to add toxins
Terrible reactions to Covid vaccines
Nurse collapses immediately after receiving vaccine on live televison
Empty hospitals around the world
Dr’s and nurses call bull sh*t on Covid
Nurse fed up with politics of Covid at her hospital in Broward county Florida
Italian Dr warning about Covid-19
Daughter fights to get mother out of hospital
What is really going on? Pervywood
3*2*21 McAllistar TV Vlogger video below ~Will military tribunals take place? Supreme Ct proves itself corrupt-Video shows twin sisters run into traffic, get ran over multiple times, totally fine are considered to be trans human “super soldiers” (minute 30) with mixed bloodlines-Mitt Romney sporting a shiner.
2*21*21 Green screen used in beheading videos found on John McCain’s laptop
2*21*21 Michael Jackson Donald J Trump
2*19*21 Conspiracy? Secret messages in money-911 an inside job?
2*15*21 Fight fight fight!
2*14*21 Congressional leaders inciting violence & riots
2*14*21 Bill Gates speaking to the CIA about FUN VAX=vaccinating the “fanatic” out of people.
2*14*21 Amazing Polly reads & gives op ed TIME MAGAZINE admitting election “fortified”
2*13*21 Mom says her son’s insulin prices under Trump was $50, now $500 under Biden
2*13*21 Envelopes at President Bush Sr funeral
David Steel message-make the deal or die
2*21*21 CNN and NBC paid ANTIFA footage at capital
2*20*21 Out of the Shadows – documentary about the Hollywood occult elite
Mockingbird media-programming talking points
Masks and other lawlessness
No shoes, no shirt, no mask no service? NOT TRUE
D.U.M.B.S. tunnels
2*13*21 Andrenochrome
2*13*21 Underground Australia
3*2*21 Out of the shadows documentary by retired Hollywood stunt actor-media imagery, CIA, satanic occult
2*14*21 518 arrested in Los Angeles human trafficking-20 victims located & rescued
Isaac Kappy dead after speaking out about Hollywood pedophiles