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Categorized as Health

Why wearing a useless harmful mask is 100% against my religion.

When horrible politicians sought to force church closures across America the Supreme court ruled against their foolishness and even put this legislative code/law in their judgement. Thanks to Peggy Hall @ The Healthy American for keeping up with the laws and all your hard work & keeping freedom lovers on task. You are the BEST!… Continue reading Why wearing a useless harmful mask is 100% against my religion.

Categorized as Health

A better normal.

These medical professionals are speaking truth. They do not want a new normal, or even the old normal. What they are working towards is a better normal. World Doctors Alliance More to come

Categorized as Health

Government health “care”

Historically the government has given me little reason to trust my health care to them. I can only assume those that do trust them have fewer options available to them. Nasal Radiation Irradiation – this study estimates that 500k-2 million, mostly children were subjected to this. Tuskegee Syphilis Study The only people that are insisting… Continue reading Government health “care”

Categorized as Health

The bare face is beautiful

The importance of the face, Peggy Hall @ the healthy American. What are we doing to our kids? They are healthy? Children, babies, hearing impaired, autistic, most special needs people need to see our faces for healthy social interaction. Maybe you are so afraid of Covid that you are ignoring all that we are sacrificing… Continue reading The bare face is beautiful

Categorized as Health

Oxygen in, carbon dioxide out.

Some people believe masks are going to keep them safe, fine for you not for me. You will not convince me that restricting my breath is for my health, or any one else’s. Seriously, please read this entire article for yourself-all the way to the end. UofS study finds wearing a mask during exercise does… Continue reading Oxygen in, carbon dioxide out.

Categorized as Health