We built a tiny house for my mom and her bed got moved in on February 24th 2018. She has been warm, dry, and very happy in her new home ever since! This past year our family, friends, community, and even a few strangers all took part in building a tiny house for my mom!… Continue reading Tiny house senior unit: how a family, community, and strangers came together in honor of our mom.
Category: Tiny house
A year in review
Its been a whole year since my sister and I started a go fund me page for our mom’s tiny house. We didn’t really know where to start, so that seemed like a good idea at the time. When some of our family members donated (right before Christmas!) it was the confirmation and boost we… Continue reading A year in review
Tiny house-almost done!
Wow, what a summer! Our family came through is such big ways to get mom’s tiny house here, and we are still pushing on. We are super close to putting the final touches on and getting her moved in! At this time we are in need of expertise help and we have stretched our resources… Continue reading Tiny house-almost done!
Tiny house build:Day 3
This day we started from scratch with the trailer. William used the bobcat to level the trailer ground as best he could. Getting the trailer level was pretty time consuming, and another thing we were hoping to have done before everyone came, but it just could not happen. It was this day we knew we… Continue reading Tiny house build:Day 3
Tiny house build: Day 2
On day two, the 7th of August, the largest group of my family arrived. My uncle Teddy traveled with a 39′ all the way to my front door! In it he brought another uncle, Brett, and my auntie Joyce. My cousin Timmy who has been helping me from Day 1, had planned his whole family’s… Continue reading Tiny house build: Day 2
Tiny house build: Day 1
The first thing that happened was my uncle Darrell and his wife of 45 years showed up. My uncle could barely sit still the entire time he was here! He got to work up here and never stopped. He even worked on his anniversary! His wife and he built themselves a beautiful mountain cabin in… Continue reading Tiny house build: Day 1
Tiny house expenses
The costs are not final yet, but I wanted to share what my beautiful sister so carefully put together. We estimate at this point the tiny house to have cost about 12k so far. There are just a few materials left to purchase. I would say another 2-3k for the walls, insulation, ceiling, final floor… Continue reading Tiny house expenses
The Bottger family builds a tiny house of love
It’s hard to believe it’s been only 21 days since my family first arrived and began building a tiny house for my mom. The last 3 weeks have been a whirlwind, almost like a dream. They were filled with laughter, blood, sweat, tears, memories, fun, frustration, hope and love. Since they have all gone home… Continue reading The Bottger family builds a tiny house of love
The countdown is on…
So all of a sudden the countdown has gotten so close! My cousin Timmy jr. (& his wife Amy) have been working tirelessly on this project, maybe even more than me! This time last year (July 2016) I was back in the Midwest for a family reunion in July. That was the place I told… Continue reading The countdown is on…
Why build a tiny house?
It’s for our Mom. She needs one and my sister and I want to give that to her. The cool thing is, we are not alone. 10 years ago my Mom moved out to California to be with me and my family. She bought a 33′ RV trailer when she first arrived, and over the years it has… Continue reading Why build a tiny house?